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When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 542 inches (iPhone 13 mini), 606 inches (iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro) or 668 inches (iPhone 13 Pro Max) diagonally Actual viewable area is less Water resistance iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini are splash, water and dust resistant and were tested underBest deals in USD, GBP, INR Here are the lowest prices we could find for the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max at our partner stores Click on any of the prices toWithout the hefty cinema ticket prices they're charging nowadays For a better camera go for iPhone 13 Pro or 13 Pro Max for a bigger display iPhone 13 comes with an all new design and colours such as pink and starlight iPhone 13 also boasts an added 25 hours battery life when compared

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 The iPhone 13 starts at $799, while the iPhone 13 Mini starts at $699 Bump up your storage capacity to 256 gigabytes and you're looking at $9 for the regularsized phone and $799 for its tiny Even the colors are nicer on the iPhone 13 and 13 mini Apple loaned me an iPhone 13 in blue and it is a sharp color My review unit iPhone 13 mini is "midnight" black It's black, but there are subtle shades of blue at times I haven't seen the pink, (PRODUCT)RED, or the "starlight" in person but they sure look more playful than

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